Thursday, July 12, 2012


Photos from the Raugh out Roud stand-up comedy group's recent show (2012/6/22) in Sannomiya@Bar INZT
Check the group's site for details on future shows.  RoRcomedy
Good shirt for a comedian, wrong but funny.

 Stand-up comedy and poetry; a very good combination by Scott Crowe.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Foxes of Inari 稲荷の狐

While most shrines in Japan have guardian lions flanking the altar, shrines to Inari have foxes.

I was nearly locked in at this shrine, as I had entered through a side entrance while the priest was making his rounds locking the doors.  I made my way through the shrine; taking the above photographs and found the front entrance where I had planned to exit locked.  Wondering how I was going to get back to the streets I made my way back to where I had come in... Just in time to see the priest pocket the keys after bringing down a storefront type shutter/door and locking the attached pad lock.  After a furious bout of kung-fu fighting*, he graciously opened the gate to allow me out.

*may or may not have actually happened