Suchomimus (crocodile mimic), a relative of Spinosaurus, appears to be specialized in catching fish, and has teeth of the same kind and arrangement as modern crocodiles.

Aucasaurus Garridoi, looked to have even smaller arms than T. Rex.
It also appeared that most of the lower arm bones were fused together.

Mapusaurus Roseae, a huge meat eating dinosaur, having larger arms and more blade-like teeth than T. Rex. The smaller dinosaur in the lower right is a juvenile of the same species.

Gigantosaurus carolinii, bigger than the Mapusaurus above, it was even larger than the Tyranosaurus Rex, with a skull 1.8m (6ft) long.

Not the biggest predator but certainly very fast and able to chase down whatever it wanted to, and long arms to grab its prey.
Deltadromeus agilis.

Unenlagia comahuensis, a dromaeosaur, which was feathered but did not fly. Rather, it ran around chasing other flightless bird like dinosaurs. At 2m in length it's a bit like a lion, only faster with arms and sickle like claws on its feet.