Japan is also home to a large number of truly enourmous insects, these are some that I photographed near and at the school where I work.
Which god might this be?
It spotted me spotting it as it was stalking prey.
Antheraea yamamai. A bit like a flying plush toy.
It's 'The Hungry Catepillar'!
Apiphobics may want to skip the next picture.
Vespa Mandarinia, the Asian Giant Hornet! Each is 5cm long, they kill people every year in Japan. Japanese people also eat them. This appears to be a group that has left the main nest and will escort a Queen, presumably in the centre of this mass of hornets. In this picture we can see 11 hornets, I don't know how many are on the other side of the leaf. None of them challenged me as I took the picture, sans flash, and quickly got out of there.
Apiphobics may want to skip the next picture.